One of the main drivers of Health Tourism in Thailand and around the world is Socialized Healthcare. We have listed below 4 of the primary issues which are fueling people seek treatment outside of their countries to avoid these issue.

1 – Talent Drain & Lower Quality Care:
The best doctors in private healthcare systems make the most money. This is a big motivating factor. Sure many people get into the medical profession to help people, but earning high salaries is also a main driver. In countries with socialized medical systems, the doctors are paid considerably lower and often the best medical talent leaves to find work outside of the country with higher pay. At the end of the day, this means the best doctors are not in countries with socialized medicine and the care patients receive often is average and even poor.
2 – Long wait times:
Imagine having to wait 6 months to get an MRI or several years to receive a critical surgery. This is the reality in countries with socialized medical systems. This is why medical tourism thrives in places like Thailand where the healthcare system is private and people can get high quality treatment right away at a reasonable price.
3 – Shorter visits with doctors:
Due to the stress and overload of a socialized medical system, when it is finally your time to see the doctor, you will not be given as much time as you may need to discuss and consult with the doctor. Visit are typically quick and people are rushed in and out to meet the demand of long lines. This leaves patients feeling unsatisfied and with questions/concerns still on their mind.
4 – Lower Quality Infrastructure:
Public hospitals are not as nice as private hospitals when it comes to cleanliness, appearance and equipment. Facilities are often run down due to overcrowding and lack of cleaning staff/renovations. Infrastructure in the hospitals is often substandard and leaving people unsatisfied.