Why are Dental Implants in Thailand Popular?

One of the most popular treatments people visit Thailand for are Dental Implants. Thailand offers premium dental implants at costs 50-70% less expensive than in western countries.

  1. Cost Savings: As noted in the above intro, cost savings are a huge benefit of doing dental implant procedures in Thailand. Prices at well reputable dental clinics and JCI accredited hospitals are up to 70% cheaper than the west. On average, the cost for the a top quality implant in Thailand is $2000-$3000 USD per tooth. The cost in the United States or Australia for an implant is between $5000-$10,000 per tooth. For people in need of multiple implants or full mouth reconstruction, the savings can be in the tens of thousands.
  2. Experienced Dentists, Oral Surgeons & State of the Art Facilities: Due the to the large of amounts of people visiting Thailand for dental implants, the country has developed a large pool of dental implant specialists. Dental implants procedures are performed routinely alongside other types of dental treatments such as porcelain veneers, crowns and teeth whitening. Bangkok is home to over 60 JCI accredited hospitals with state of the art dental departments and many world renown dental clinics such as Bangkok Smile Dental Clinic.
  3. Reduced Waiting Times: Due to the large amount of dental specialists and the private nature of the Thai healthcare system, wait times for procedures are minimal compared to other countries with high demand for dental services.
  4. Tourism Opportunities: Dental implant procedures require follow up visits and post procedure care. In between visits to the dentist, you can combine your dental treatment with a vacation in Thailand. Thailand is one of the most traveled to tourists destinations every year due to the rich culture, food, nightlife & limitless activities.
  5. English Speaking Professionals: Dentists and dental professionals in Thailand are known for their fluency in English, with many dentists educated in America. Being able to communicate effectively during consultation and treatment is critical. In Thailand there is no need to worry about language barriers for English speakers.
  6. Positive Patient Experiences: The positive experiences and reviews of the many individuals who have undergone dental implant procedures in Thailand is overwhelming. Dental implants in Thailand are noted for the quality results of the procedure, the high level of patient care, the price and the overall experience of being in the country.

Consider Thailand for your dental implant needs. Contact Health Tours Thailand to plan a trip or get more information.

Get in Touch:

📞+66 090-985-2023 | 📧Derek@healthtoursthailand.com

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